Get them outta here! Everyone who has left I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here Australia 2023

It's survival of the fittest!
I'm a Celebrity

Well, we’ve finally arrived back in the South African jungle and a brand new cast is facing creepy crawlies and disgusting food trials in I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here.

Now that most of the celebs have settled into camp, and we finally know exactly who is competing for the title of King or Queen of the Jungle, it’s time to see who can hack it in the wild.

Unfortunately, what goes up in a terrifying helicopter, must come down and one-by-one they will be voted out by fans across Australia or utter the words: “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here!”

So, who has left the I’m a Celebrity Australia 2023 jungle?

Scroll through to find out.

Adam Cooney & Nathan Henry

Woody Whitelaw

Pete Helliar

Domenica Calarco

Debra Lawrance

Nick “Honey Badger” Cummins

Ian “Dicko” Dickson

Bianca Hunt

Anna Polyviou

Kerri-Anne Kennerley

*Voluntarily left.

kerri-anne kennerley

More as we get it…

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