If one thing is for certain, it’s that Australian Survivor 2025: Brains v Brawn II is unpredictable — one minute, a castaway may be flying high with immunity, and the next, they’re left blindsided at Tribal Council.
During practically every season of Australian Survivor, viewers experience emotional whiplash as their faves are eliminated from the beaches of Samoa and sent home — or to the jury villa.
Long-time host Jonathan LaPaglia will guide the cast through the shocking Tribal Councils (which, for the uninitiated, are where tribe members are voted off). Jonathan has hosted the popular reality TV show since its revival in 2016, totalling nine seasons.
There can only be one Australian Survivor 2025 cast member who will outwit, outplay and outlast all of their fellow castaways, and that person will be crowned the Sole Survivor of the Brain v Brawn II season.
The winner of Australian Survivor 2025 will take home bragging rights and a whopping $500,000 cash prize. One of the many upsides of competing on Australian Survivor compared to its US counterpart is that the prize money isn’t taxed, meaning the winner takes home the entire half a million buckaroos.
Read on to find out who’s left Australian Survivor so far — and have lost their chance at winning the prize money.
Who has been eliminated from Australian Survivor 2025?
Episode 15 – Laura

Laura Darras was sent home after another dramatic Idol play turned the Tribal Council vote on its head.
The majority initially planned to vote out Logan, hoping to break her close alliance with Laura and dismantle the lingering “Buddy System”, and move toward a more open jury phase.
However, sensing something was off, Logan trusted her gut. “I had an icky feeling today,” she said before playing her Hidden Immunity Idol, explaining that she’d “prefer to be safe than sorry.”
Logan’s move nullified six votes against her, leaving just five valid votes. AJ received two, while Laura ended up with three, making her torch the latest to be snuffed.
Episode 14 – PD

In a shock idol play that no one saw coming, Myles chose to save Paulie from an almost landslide elimination, leaving Paul Dee (PD)’s head on the chopping block.
Since Merge, traditional alliances have been breaking, and players have split off into pairs for safety. The only outlier, being Paulie. However, it wouldn’t be Survivor without some big moves and that’s where AJ and Myles came in with one of the most exciting idol plays we’ve seen so far.
Knowing that the majority were voting for Paulie to keep pairs strong, Myles and AJ chose to blindside the rest of the players by putting votes on PD and ultimately sending him packing.
Episode 13 – Jesse

The first Tribal Council post-merge set the stage for shifting allegiances as old tribal lines blurred. As Logan quipped: “It’s not Friend Island.”
OG Brains initially pushed for Paulie, sensing an opportunity to take him out, while AJ tried to work his charm to sway OG Brawns into flipping. But with the game opening up, Jesse Noonan’s web of connections made him a target.
The vote came down to a near tie between Jesse and Paulie, but a final vote pushed Jesse over the line, making him the first casualty of the Merge. Meanwhile, Zara (up until now the only castaway to have played on both tribes) also picked up two votes as new alliances began to take shape.
Episode 12 – Ben

While the Brawn tribe was at Tribal Council, Jonathan revealed that no one would be sent home due to Ben Bylett’s unexpected decision to leave the game.
“I know you were expecting to vote someone out tonight, but there’s been a development that changes things,” Jonathan explained. “This might come as a shock, but Ben from the Brains tribe has chosen to leave the game.”
“As a result, there will be no vote, and no one from this tribe will be eliminated tonight.
During the show, no details were shared about Ben’s sudden departure. However, he’s since taken to Instagram to say that he left Survivor because of a torn calf muscle and other illnesses he’d developed while filming the show.
Episode 11 – No elimination

After Brains lost Immunity, Laura found an advantage revealing that the voted-out player wouldn’t leave the game but would swap tribes, moving to Brawns.
Trusting Zara Callianiotis with the information for the sake of their alliance, Laura was blindsided when Zara strong-armed her into exposing it to the tribe to protect herself.
Both Laura and Zara saw the move as a chance to reconnect with old allies and form new ones. “I want to go because I think it’s the next building block before Merge,” Zara reasoned, even voting for Myles instead of Laura to tip the votes in her favour.
In the end, Myles and Laura received two votes each, but with four votes against her, Laura was sent to Brawns.
Episode 10 – Noonan

The new Brawns tribe faced another tense Tribal Council, where two hidden Immunity Idols completely upended the vote.
Knowing she was near the bottom, Laura Noonan (Noonan) made a last-ditch effort to rally allies, calling AJ’s unpredictability a liability.
Before the votes were read, Paulie played his Idol, nullifying four votes against him. Sensing he was next, AJ followed suit, negating his votes despite Noonan’s attempt to dissuade him.
With both Idols in play, Noonan became the default target, and the two votes against her sent her packing.
Episode 9 – Max

In a shocking Tribal Council, Max Wills became the latest castaway to have their torch snuffed.
After Brains 2.0 lost Immunity, they faced Tribal, but plans were upended when Myles played the Idol he won during the challenge, canceling four votes against him. Kate also picked up a vote.
Max had hoped to merge with OG Brawns Jesse and Ben by his side, but they stayed loyal to their original alliance, sealing his fate. Pretty safe to say a few saw it coming.
Meanwhile, over on Brawns, Kristin secured an Idol for herself.
Episode 8 – Ursula

Ursula Rose became the first casualty of AJ’s “hostage” strategy — a ploy to force the new Brains to throw challenges while keeping the OGs strong for the Merge. Noonan also helped stir the pot against Ursula, but ended up taking two votes herself at the Tribal Council.
With five votes against her, Ursula became the seventh torch snuffed.
In Ursula’s post-elimination interview with Chattr, she explained that while she thinks AJ’s strategy is a “little immature”, it might just work in his favour.
Episode 7 – Rich

The newly shuffled Brawns Tribe faced Tribal Council after losing the Immunity Challenge to the Brains Tribe, throwing a wrench into the recently formed Graduate Alliance.
Rich Hughes‘ torch was snuffed out, with AJ remarking that “sacrifices are needed to create new alliances.” Rich himself admitted that Logan and Karin had wanted him gone “from day dot.”
In the final vote, Rich was eliminated with five votes against him, while Logan and Noonan both received one.
Episode 6 – Ally Kettle

After receiving the parchment from Rich, which granted him the power to exempt two tribe members from Tribal Council, Max chose Karin and Laura to sit out.
Ally Kettle, who had been rubbing some shoulders due to her fast and fast decision-making and difficulty working with others, was voted out, signalling a rift within The Coven.
Meanwhile, Myles received two votes but remained safe.
Episode 5 – No elimination

A twist at Tribal Council meant no one was voted out in Episode 5. Instead, the Brains tribe had to vote one of their own to permanently join the Brawn tribe, bringing along a mysterious scroll.
Both AJ and Rich volunteered, with AJ saying he wanted find his team and call them the “Bomb Squad”. However, the Brains tribe voted instead for Rich to switch sides. Rich was up for it, saying, “Why not? I think it’s fun.”
The scroll, later revealed, grants the power to remove two players from voting at the next Tribal Council (they can’t vote or be voted for) and can either be used by Rich or given away.
Episode 4 – Nash Gendo

Nash Gendo became the first Brawns tribe member to have his torch snuffed after his tribemates discovered he had thrown the first Immunity challenge.
Despite his effort to fake having an Idol at Tribal Council, his bluff was called, and the votes sealed his fate. Ursula was next in line with two votes, while Morgan received one.
Even though his bold gameplay and confidence was his downfall, Nash told Chattr he doesn’t regret his approach, and feels his fellow castaways need to spice things up.
Episode 3 – Kent Miller-Randle

Kent Miller-Randle got the boot after Brawn sent Brain to Tribal Council, racking up six votes — enough to snuff his torch.
The Coven secured their target as Kent, despite AJ’s failed attempt to send Logan home after deeming Kent a non-threat. It was a fitting comeuppance for the business mogul, who targeted Myles in Episode 2 and, in a wild Tribal Council moment, bizarrely admitted to burning Max’s hat and trying to frame Myles for it
Myles, meanwhile, still narrowly dodged elimination with three votes.
Episode 3 – Zen Heaton

The Reward Challenge saw individual competitors from the Brains and Brawn tribes tackle each other in the hope of scoring a flag first. Zen Heaton managed to get the point after taking on Kaelen, but he hurt his finger during the process.
Ahead of the Elimination Challenge, medics came to check out Zen’s injury and found that he’d broken his finger down to the bone. He was removed from the game.
Episode 2 – Indy Saleh

In Episode 2, Indy Saleh became the second contestant sent packing after the Brains Council snuffed her torch.
The girls initially plotted to take out Rich, but when Indy deliberately spilled the plan to him, the move backfired. Branded untrustworthy (and “as good as a boy”), she quickly became the tribe’s top target.
Myles also racked up a few votes, but in the end, Indy’s fate was sealed in a landslide.
Episode 1 – Candy Rule

Candy Rule was the first player to have their torch snuffed on Australian Survivor. She was eliminated in Episode 1 with five votes against her — Ursula narrowly missed out on elimination with four votes.
Meanwhile, Nash sashayed into the first Tribal Council with an Idol around his neck and led the campaign against Candy. However, he ended up playing his Idol even though only three votes were cast against him, meaning that he wouldn’t have left even if he didn’t play his Idol.