It’s Million Dollar Island Australia 2023 episode 13 and it’s the Grand Final time, baby!
Million Dollar Island may be the first reality show to have a grand final with seven contestants still in the running, but here we are.
Tonight’s finale sees Chelsea, Brett, Matty, Jordan, Rachel, Kylie and Alice battle it out to win a million dollars… Or not?!
Turns out despite its namesake, the winner of Million Dollar Island doesn’t actually win seven figures, nor is there a sole winner.
Read on to find out what actually happens!

1. Chelsea really did herself a solid by keeping the jackpot low in the final challenge and keeping herself the richest player on the island. Now, she’s straight through to the final three. Even though I’m not exactly sure what that entails.
2. The hungriest player in the game Kylie is still here, surely she must be starving by now?
3. “Oncology mum’s never quit”. Rachel’s story about her young son’s battle with cancer is so moving.

The Challenge
4. Everyone but Chelsea is in this challenge, and she chooses who starts the challenge first (meaning they have a disadvantage). It will be interesting to see who she picks as she’s promised alliances to most of them.
5. Sucks to be Matty. I guess his alliance was the least important to Chelsea.

6. At first I thought Jordy was celebrating his arch nemesis’s elimination in the game but, um, he’s actually alerting the medics that Matty is out cold.

7. Noone else seems to be too worried about Matty’s dramatic fainting episode.
8. Jordan wins the challenge and does this mean that Main Character Brett isn’t going to be in the top three? If it comes down to a vote, surely he won’t make the cut?
9. I guess I was right and wrong. It’s a vote, but Brett has a few more fans in his co-stars than expected. They mustn’t know that he slags them all off to the camera.
10. Rachel strategically shoots herself in the foot by voting for Brett to go into the top 3.
11. With two votes to Brett and two to Rachel, Chelsea must decide who joins her and Jordan in the top three. What a tough spot to be in because she has an alliance with Brett but Rachel’s son does have cancer.
12. Turns out Chelsea stayed true to her alliance, which is definitely going to raise a few questions on Twitter. Is it tactical choice in case there’s a final vote for a sole winner?

The Top 3 Challenge
13. So it turns out that the final game has one million dollars scattered through 100 boxes. The top three have to open boxes to collect their winnings and stop when they’re ready. But, three of those boxes have bombs in them. If they come across a bomb all their winnings are taken away. The show title is a bit deceiving, non?

14. Jordy’s up first and he opens up six boxes before deciding that he’s stoked with his 70k winnings (including his own 10k) and quits. Smart.
15. Brett’s up next and he strolls around the boxes like there’s no such thing as a bomb. Unfortunately for him, there is, and it explodes on him. This means that he’s leaving the game with just 10k.
16. Chelsea’s a bit more hesitant about opening her boxes but manoeuvres her way through twelve boxes, and decides to leave with $110,000. So… I guess that makes her the winner?

Stream Million Dollar Island on 7Plus.
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