Here's what you missed: What happened during the second-last MAFS commitment ceremony

And Claire's decision was the most shocking of all!
claire mafs 2023

If you can honestly believe it, we are now up to the second-last Commitment Ceremony of Married at First Sight. While we swear this season is the shortest in history, we are now up to episode 25… the penultimate couch sesh!

While the Dinner Parties bring the ultimate drama during MAFS, it’s nothing compared to the experts’ wrath — and tonight, some of the couples were delivered some home truths.

But before the couch was the morning of — and some couples are, as expert John Aiken would say — in crisis.

Melinda and Layton woke up in a good place after Layton defended Melinda at Wednesday’s Dinner Party when sh**-stirrer Harrison took personal attacks at her.

Despite attempts to rebuild their connection throughout the experiment, Claire and Jesse’s relationship is fooked, thanks once again to Harrison, who deflected being an a**hat and turned the attention on them.

Bronte, Harrison, Claire and Jesse from Married at First Sight Australia 2023. Source: Nine.

Speaking of ol’ mate Hazza, he has decided he wants to win Bronte back after breaking up with her during the Dinner Party.

“Tonight during the Commitment Ceremony, I’m going to let Bronte redeem herself to me,” he says. And, make. it. stop.

Now, you’re all caught up. Here’s who stayed (or was forced to stay) and who chose to leave during episode 25 of Married at First Sight?

Alyssa and Duncan

Duncan and Alyssa. MAFS.
Duncan and Alyssa. Source: Nine.

Alyssa and Duncan had a rocky week at the Married at First Sight Couples Retreat, and Duncan, a.k.a Prince Charming had to reassure his wife that everything would be OK.

Duncan reiterates to Alyssa that he knows her son is a priority after Alyssa says she’s concerned that her hubby doesn’t think so, however, he believes there is something deeper they need to discuss around being vulnerable instead of picking apart his behaviour.

When asked whether her expectations were too high, Duncan admitted it was a concern, which once again upsets Alyssa — she has a child, she wants to be a priority and she has expectations.

Alyssa cries, says “I feel sick” and leaves the couch. While Duncan follows her and begs him to leave her alone, she heads into the lift and leaves. 

“I wanna leave,” she says. “I really want to go.”

Duncan tells the group that Alyssa has left, and expert Alessandra calls the “level of reaction… intense”, before he admits the relationship is “tough”.

Alyssa then returns to the couch, calling it “hard to hear that her expectations are too much”.

“I felt like, in the Couple’s Retreat, no matter what I did was wrong,” Duncan says before admitting that he understands where she is coming from; however, Alyssa says he makes her “feel like a bad person”.

Duncan’s decision: Stay

Alyssa’s decision: Stay

Tahnee and Ollie

Ollie and Tahnee
Ollie and Tahnee. Source: Nine.

Tahnee and Ollie are by far the strongest couple of the experiment — which scares us greatly because you never know WTF will happen.

Once again, the pair have been discussing what a future outside the experiment would look like, with Ollie even saying he would move to Sydney for his fake bride and when Alessandra asks if they are falling in love, they both say “yes”. Cute!

Tahnee’s decision: Stay

Ollie’s decision: Stay

Lyndall and Cameron

Cam and Lyndall.
Cam and Lyndall. Source: Nine.

While they’ve had a few bumps in the road, ultimately, the Couples Retreat was “awesome” for Lyndall and Cameron.

Lyndall felt like the time away was a reminder of their honeymoon because Cam was allowed outdoors.

When expert Mel Schilling asks if Cam has feelings for Lyndall, he says he has “strong feelings”, although he has concerns about what will happen when the experiment is over because they haven’t talked about it.

Lyndall’s decision: Stay

Cameron’s decision: Stay

Bronte and Harrison

Bronte and Harrison. MAFS
Bronte and Harrison. Source: Nine.

Once again, Bronte and Harrison were under the microscope of the Experts with John questioning why they broke up last night and now are a unified couple.

Bronte explained that because Harrison was a sh**head during the Couples retreat, they ended things; however, she still had feelings for him.

She then said that it was because of his insecurities that the argument took place, and that he was just asking for reassurance — which is ridonculous because obviously that’s all she gives him.

When questioned whether he’s ever manipulated her, Harrison rejects the notion and the group could hardly contain their shock at his absolute bullsh**tery.

Harrison then said the problem is that Bronte gets emotional and worked up before earth angel John cut off.

John tells him that he continues to blame Bronte but needs to take accountability for his f**ked actions, but because Harrison has zero self-awareness, he can’t name a single time he is botched anything. LOL.

As per usual, they go around in circles as John encourages Harrison to take a look inwards.

Claire and Melinda are like “WTAF bro”, with Lyndall telling Bronte that her bae is “emotionally manipulating” her.

Harrison goes in to defend himself, while John once again interrupts and asks Bronte if she feels that way.

She thinks it’s all real and doesn’t think she owes anyone an explanation, but then says she doesn’t feel “good enough” for her husband. Cool.

Harrison’s decision: Stay

Bronte’s decision: Stay

Evelyn and Rupert

Evelyn and Rupert. Source: Nine. Married at first sight.
Evelyn and Rupert. Source: Nine.

We are still shocked that Evelyn and Rupert are still together because they go together like cement and jam, however, somehow, it seems to be working.

Apparently, they even FLIRT, which is concerning since they are married.

The couple haven’t “gone all the way”, but it is in the cards because of their mutual sexual attraction.

Evelyn’s decision: Stay

Rupert’s decision: Stay

Melinda and Layton

Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine. MAFS
Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine.

Melinda and Layton are next to face the Experts, and Melinda explains that Bronte told her that Layton wasn’t on the same page as her, causing her some “turmoil”.

Melinda said she knew it wasn’t true; however, when she brought it up with Layton it caused conflict.

Luckily, Layton had her back during the cursed Dinner Party, so she loves this from him.

Layton then said that their main problem is the various issues around them i.e. the other couples who won’t butt out, which stop them from moving forward.

John tells him he’s being too analytical and not being emotional enough and Layton admits to not being as emotional as he could be in relationships.

John encourages him to lean into his feelings.

Melinda’s decision: Stay

Layton’s decision: Stay

Claire and Jesse

Claire and Jesse. Source: Nine

Mel said it was hard to watch Claire and Jesse’s relationship “shift” throughout the Dinner Party. Jesse said that it was the other couples who caused the chaos, i.e. Harrison, who said that Claire was only writing stay to protect her “image”.

The comment — which was purely a distraction from his own behaviour — triggered Jesse’s past hurt when Claire came clean about kissing Adam.

While Claire says they were moving into a better place, she blamed ol’ mate Harrison for throwing a grenade to deflect what he was facing at the table.

Harrison interjects to once again defend himself, but Claire shut him down.

John — who clearly has a mission to hold Harrison accountable for his behaviour — probed Harrison about why he made the comment. Once again, he blamed Bronte, this time because apparently, SHE shared the information, before admitting he couldn’t prove whether it was true or not. Lol.

Claire admits she did the wrong thing but stuck around for Jesse — because her feelings are real, y’all!

Both decide to leave and Bronte and Harrison hung their heads in shame…

Jesse’s decision: Leave

Claire’s decision: Leave

Watch Married At First Sight on Sundays at 7.00 pm and Monday – Wednesday at 7.30 pm on Nine and 9Now.

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