MAFS 2025 Episode 35 Recap: Jacqui finds a non-fiction-reading backup

But is he a chair or a door?
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Jacqui Burfoot's date with Rory on MAFS.

Jamie will be going on her Married At First Sight (MAFS) 2025 reject date because she is a “nosy bitch” — her words, not mine.

Jamie Marinos opens up the Grass Is Greener challenge.
I wonder if he’ll look like he’s done 20 to life? Image: Nine.

She thinks she’ll always wonder if she doesn’t go and honestly, I feel that. She’s also wearing sneakers to make it less date-y, and honestly, I don’t feel that.

Jamie goes on the Grass Is Greener MAFS challenge
The flatter the shoe the less serious the date?! Image: Nine.

Adrian does a very good job of reading out his letter, deciding he’s “sort of not against it.”

”What’s one more task, right?” Adrian laughs to producers, as if he completed the others with the same enthusiasm.

Adrian reads out the gass is greener challenge on MAFS 2025.
This will greatly upset Awhina therefore I want to do it!!! Image: Nine.

Awhina’s going too! “I came here for a life partner, and I’m not sure that’s Adrian,” Awhina says. Love that awareness.

Jacqui really misses Ryan and says she would break her back to make it work with him. How the tables have turned, or should I say chairs?

Jacqui Burfoot tells MAFS producers that she misses Ryan.
If he’s a chair, I’m a chair! Image: Nine.

Ryan thinks Jacqui won’t go meet her reject match because she’s too invested in him. He’s in two minds about going himself because he built a life and a shrine with Jacqui. He also says “disservice” a lot.

Jacqui and Ryan's shrine on MAFS 2025.
It would be a disservice to the shrine. Image: Nine.

Ryan meets his reject, Vivienne, and when she tells him she’s going to Japan, he uses this opportunity to tell her about his sword.

Vivienne on MAFS 2025.
Ermagherd please be a euphemism. Image: Nine.

“You’re giving nerd but it’s nice,” she laughs.

Jacqui’s reject match, Rory, is a dish best served reading non-fiction books. Watch out! She even asks for his number, saying she’ll be out of the experiment in 10 days.

Jacqui Burfoot with Rory on MAFS 2025.
Do you have a tennis court? Image: Nine.

Awhina meets Tim, whose only similarity to Adrian is his gender and facial hair. He says he would move to Perth for the right person and has already asked more questions about Awhina’s son than Adrian has the whole time he’s known her.

Tim meets Awhina during MAFS.

I said that as a joke, but Awhina clarified it’s true.

Adrian is meeting Maxine and somewhere between their boners for a sunrise, they make it clear they have the hots for each other.

Jamie has been stood up by her match. The savagery of getting her to do a task that she doesn’t even benefit from is glorious.

Jamie Marinos is stood up on MAFS 2025.
You mean I have to tell Dave I decided to meet… no one??? Image: Nine.

Awhina finds out about Maxine and then hangs shit on her parents for their naming choices.

“I don’t like that name. It’s a shit name,” Awhina says. I find this insanely interesting, considering her response to Carina’s insecure, jealous comments about her sister, Cleo.

Awhina finds out about Adrian's date with Maxine on MAFS.
Carina doesn’t even know my sister!!! Oh wait… Image: Nine.

Dave tells Jamie he is focused on their relationship, so he didn’t want to entertain another one by doing the task. Dave isn’t a jealous person, so he doesn’t really care about Jamie going and getting stood up. Or maybe he just doesn’t care in general. TBC.

Jacqui and Ryan are reunited. Vivienne made Ryan realise he still likes Jacqui.

Ryan tells Jacqui about Vivienne on MAFS.
She didn’t like my sword either. Image: Nine.

Jacqui says she trusts Ryan and has no questions about his date, probably so he doesn’t ask about hers.

She says she walked away from Rory feeling light and happy. But she also has a new piece of paper to torture Ryan with. Oh, it’s nice.

She loves his:

  • big, strong pats
  • posture
  • responsibility
  • ability to pay his mortgage every month
  • smile
  • crazy reactions
Ryan listens to Jacqui's letter on MAFS 2025.
Thank you? Image: Nine.

He says he’ll move back in tomorrow. Success! Imagine getting someone’s number and getting back with your husband in the same 24 hours! Truly a magician that Jacqui.

These MAFS 2025 recaps also appear on the Talking Schmidt Substack and have been reproduced here with permission.

Married At First Sight 2025 airs Sundays at 7pm and Monday – Wednesday at 7:30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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