How to apply to be on Shark Tank Australia

Are you a budding entrepreneur determined to succeed?
Shark Tank Australia

Are you a budding entrepreneur determined to succeed? If so, perhaps you should consider applying to be on Shark Tank Australia.

Ahead of each season, Channel 10 takes applications from Aussies with products, inventions, and brands that they believe could benefit from a Shark’s help and/or investment.

The Sharks are armed with a lot of money, and ready to throw it down on the right investment. For example, Robert Herjavec threw down $1 million Australian in exchange for 30% of a business called Laundry Lady during a 2023 episode.

Read on to find out how to get on Shark Tank Australia.

Davie and Burleigh Wagon on Shark Tank
Nathan and Regan with Shark Davie Fogarty. Image: Ten.

Shark Tank Australia casting process

To apply to be on Shark Tank Australia, you’ll need to submit a video that’s up to three minutes long.

The casting website suggests including the following in the video.

  • Your name.
  • The name of your product or business and what it does, or the problem it solves.
  • How successful the product/idea has been.
  • If it’s still at the concept stage, what do family and friends think?
  • The goals for the brand or business.
  • What kind of feedback it has had.
  • How much investment is required from the Sharks in return for how much equity?

Shark Tank Australia application requirements

There are not too many requirements for applying to Shark Tank Australia; applicants must simply be Australian citizens or permanent residents, provide a recent headshot and be 18 years old or over. If the applicant is under 18, they can apply with a guardian.

Shark Jane Lu and former Shark Dr Catriona Wallace. Image: Ten.

Can I apply for Shark Tank Australia now?

Unfortunately, not. Applications for Shark Tank Australia 2024 closed on June 8. However, if the series is renewed for another season, we’ll update this article with information on how to apply for Shark Tank 2025.

Shark Tank Australia 2024 airs on Wednesdays at 7:30pm on Channel 10 and 10Play.

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Tagged: Featured, Reality TV, Shark Tank Australia, TV


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. You'll find her bylines on Rolling Stone, W...
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