Twitter reacts: The Bachelor's Felix met Jessica's other boyfriend and people had a LOT of thoughts

"This is so deeply awkward."
felix von hofe jessica the bachelor

In an Australian — nay world — first, The Bachelor boldly went where no other Bachie has been before, when Felix Von Hofe met Jessica Navin’s boyfriend.

Yes, boyfriend. Not her collective TV show boyfriend. Her IRL, polyamorous man friend, whom she is currently in a relationship with.

In case you’re not all caught up, Natasha “Tash” Zuanetti previously caused utter chaos, revealing that Jessica was in an open relationship

“Jess has got a boyfrieeeeeend,” Tash told (her now former Bachelor) Jed McIntosh, who in turn told Felix.

“I feel like you should know,” she said. LOL.

After a supremely awkward conversation with Jess, Felix responded with a mature “what the f**k” and thus, creating the weirdest storyline we’ve ever seen.

Then, during the January 17 episode, all contestants were asked to invite someone close to them to meet their Bachelor.

And TBF, this is pretty smart of the producers because it was like they ~KnEw~ Jessica would bring along her at-home boyfie, Damien.

While we were ready for an absolute debacle, Felix was surprisingly calm about it (considering his past actions), showing a level of understanding and respect.

The Bachelor Australia 2023 fans were shocked how well Felix handled the situation

“Okay, I am not a Felix fan, but he is reacting WAY better than I would in this situation,” one fan wrote, applauding the 27-year-old, before adding: “THIS IS SO WEIRD AND UNCOMFORTABLE”.

While another said, “This episode has me so confused that I’m starting to like Felix,” accompanied by a crying emoji.

The meeting was mind-boggling, to say the least, with Felix confirming he is not into open relationships himself, but each to their own… he guesses?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

We also learned that Damien was in love with Jess, however, she admitted that she was still figuring stuff out.

Then, after a “conscious conversation” (wut?!) between the pair, we learned nothing except that she had three options.

  1. Dump Felix.
  2. Dump Damien to be with Felix.
  3. Have “two boyfriends in a consenting way”.

Twitter fans reacted to the “weirdest storyline” The Bachelor has ever seen

Throughout the episode, fans lit up Twitter like it was on fire.

Needless to say, Jessica got a rose because, bro, no one should ever be eliminated from this incredible show for having another boyfriend…

The Bachelor Australia airs at 7.30pm, Sunday to Wednesday on Channel 10 and 10Play.

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