
Hey Sony… We need to talk about the PS5

The Sony PS5 was released in November of 2020, just in time for Christmas. Even then, one issue with their release schedule was availability. Fast forward to June of 2021 and the PS5 is still impossible to purchase.

If you’re lucky enough to pre-order the next-gen console you’re going to have to deal with the fact that the PS5 launched with basically no new titles and zero triple A games.

Unlike previous generations of the PlayStation which offered a plethora of games on launch, the PS5 is offering backwards compatible games from the PS4 and PS3 to make up for the lack of new titles.

This lack of gaming titles has upset the gaming community like no other next-gen console release.

“It’s a little annoying that there aren’t any games but I think what really ruined the launch was the number of consoles available, especially in Australia and New Zealand,” said 24-year-old Twitch streamer ‘artofsassy’ aka Jackie Strong.

Even when the PS5 is available, the console can only be purchased online and will frequently sell out within the hour. This lack of availability led to upselling of the PS5, well over the retail price advertised.

“The restocks didn’t happen quite as often over here as they did in America, Canada, and the UK. Which was upsetting, and people [resellers] were selling them [PS5] above retail on secondary markets,” said artofsassy.

Similar thoughts were shared by 21-year-old construction worker/gamer Athony Khalife.

“Just like the PS3 and PS4, scalpers are re-selling consoles for thousands of dollars. In terms of accessibility this has ruined its initial launch,” said Khalife.

To put into perspective the lack luster nature of the PS5 launch titles, you have to compare it to the launch of the PS3 and PS4.

When the PS3 launched in November of 2006 the games included; Call of Duty 3, Need For Speed Carbon, Resistance and Madden NFL. That is four triple A titles on release.

Similar with the PS4 launch in November of 2013 the games included; Assassins’ Creed 4: Black Flag, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Warframe, Killzone Shadow Fall and Knack. That is a massive six triple A titles on release.

While the PS5 offered Assassins’ Creed Valhalla

Console exclusives have been Sony’s bragging rights for years, however with the 2021 purchase of Bethesda by Microsoft, some gamers are concerned about the future of open world games like Skyrim and Fallout.

“With Microsoft purchasing Bethesda who are known for making quality games, they will all now become XBOX exclusives,” said 26-year-old gamer/lawyer Jimil Amiri.

Microsoft and Sony have been at war for years. So when the XBOX Series X/S was slated to release in November of 2021 Sony seemed to be playing catch up.

“I feel like they [Sony] were trying to run after XBOX and match timings. As for games, I am still playing PS4 games which I have played before just as 60fps and faster load times. Which is great, but also boring…” said 24-year-old gamer/taxation agent Justin Singh.

So when are triple A titles going to make an appearance for the PS5? The answer is the back end of 2021 and throughout 2022. Meaning gamers will have to wait 1-2 years for games such as:

• Deathloop, 2021, September
• Far Cry 2021, TBD
• Horizon: Forbidden West, 2021, TBD
• Hogwarts Legacy 2022, TBD
• GTA 6, TBD

With the premature launch and major titles still yet to be released. It may be too early to call the PS5 launch a failure. Similar to the PS5’s game release schedule, the success of the PS5 is to be determined.