After a full recap of what we’ve already witnessed this season, it’s “the last chapter” for Farmer Wants a Wife’s Farmer David and Farmer Matt and time to see who they “will choose to spend the forseeable their future with”.
But before the life-changing decision can be made, first we must meet the families of the women that they have been sharing the past few months with.
“When I think about love, it’s the exciting moments…it’s not wanting to be anywhere else,” Farmer David says while Farmer Matt admits he’s been “craving” love.
Both Farmers head off with just ONE duffle bag each — which is concerning given that they’re probably filming over an entire week — but because All of Me is playing, it seems hella romantic!

Farmer David is hoping that the Family Visits will help him decide which woman to choose; however, first Farmer Matt is joining Annabelle on Sydney’s Central Coast.
Farmer Matt and Annabelle smooth things over
After a recap of their ~jOuRNeY~ thus far, Farmer Matt asks Annabelle how she is feeling after “last night” i.e. the sh** show that was the Black Tie Dinner. Ya know, when she made Olivia cry before storming off through Darling Harbour…
Annabelle admits that she has been “a little frustrated” (no sh**) but is OK because they’ve “discussed it and moved on”.
While she’s telling him she is good, what she’s really saying is:

When she asks him how he’s feeling, he’s all like:

And neither of them are convincing anyone…
Farmer Matt then tells her that he was sad she didn’t come to him with all of her “issues or problems” but he “guesses” since they “got the chance to talk about it”, they can “move on from there”… Cool, well…
“It shows I’ve challenged him. That’s what a relationship should be,” Annabelle says. At this point, she should just hand the trophy or whatever to Olivia.

While we woulda called the whole thing off right there, Annabelle and Farmer Matt arrive at her parent’s house for a grilling.
Matt says he’s “nervous” to meet her ‘rentals because he has to make a “strong impression”, but luckily, Nigel and Nicole are so effing cute he has nothing to worry about… (Except for the fact that he’s 10000% choosing someone else…)
Farmer Matt overcompensates by pulling out Annabelle’s chair and then pushes it back in for her and Nicole is goddamn in love. That and she also notices “chemistry” between them… especially when Matt is talking about Annabelle “shovelling sh**t”.

Even though Nicole would have jumped at the chance, Nigel takes Farmer Matt for a chat by the pewl. He then asks Matt if he’s ever had a “serious, long-term” relationship and if he’s ready for one now. After convincing Nigel that he is, Annabelle’s dad then questions him if he’s serious about his daughter.
“Have you found that with Annabelle, yet?”
Farmer Matt:

Farmer Matt tells the cameras he felt “caught off guard” by the line of questioning, but then tells Nigel that he sees a future with “both” ladies. Eeep. After being probed more, he admits that he wants Annabelle to be consistent in opening, calling it the “only flaw” he “can honestly see”

“I’ve gotta be honest mate, I’m a bit concerned if she doesn’t get to the final person, we’re going to have to pick up some pieces there,” Nigel says and ooft. Talk about guilt trip! Nige just went from hero to zero in two seconds flat!
Saved by the Emily and Farmer David
Farmer David meets up with Emily in Brisvegas and admits that he always has a smile on his face when he’s around her. She takes him to Daisy Hill, a place where she has “soooo many memories” and they talk about the upcoming day.
Emily is nervous because in case you didn’t hear it the first 50 times, she’s never been in a serious relationship or brought a guy back to meet the fam before… but who cares?! Just look at ’em!

“I feel like it’s about to step up a notch, but,” Farmer David says.
Once they arrive at Emily’s family home, sister Laura is so goddamn excited and squeals, jumping up to greet them. We also meet dad Ian, mum Michelle and Emily’s Aunty Kerry (plus an unnamed cousin or sister or friend or something…).
Michelle dives straight in and tells us Emily has ~NeVEr BeEn In a RelaTIonShip BeFoRE~ and seriously, give this gal some other qualities because if this were a drinking game, we would have been drunk all season.
Farmer David wanted to do a “cheers” but because Michelle is so invested in her unmarried daughter’s life, she begins grilling him.
“Whose on the farm?” “How many kids do you want?” “How much is the dowry?”…
Ian, the more softly spoken of the couple, gets a question in, before Michelle probes him even more.
Farmer David:

Emily’s mum then turns the attention on her daughter, asking if she could see herself fitting in on the farm AND do “the things you would like to do as well”. JESUIS MICHELLE. CALM DOWN.
Then Laura gets grillin’…and not the BBQ kind! She asks Emily if she has plans to move in with her cowboy to which she replies that if they did, it would be in “a month”.
“In a month…?!” Laura says, clearly chuffed…

“In a normal situation that seems quite soon. How many dates have you had? How much time have you spent one-on-one?” Laura asks and looks like she ain’t squealing with excitement anymore!
Afterwards, Farmer David tells the cameras it has been an “intense way to get to know someone but definitely exposes their true personalities” and oh my god. The SHADE.
Emily and Laura steal away for a chat and Laura wants to know how she’s feeling, but really is more concerned that she’s being “swept up in the moment”. Rather than getting defensive, Emily admits she’s worried how everything will play out in the real world.
“This is the first time I’ve told someone what I’m feeling every step of the way and that’s the difference,” she says.
Laura then tells the cameras she’s worried this may not go the way her sister is hoping and doesn’t want her to experience “devastating” heartbreak. Meanwhile, Farmer David is chatting with aunty Kerry, who reminds him once again that Emily has been a single pringle her entire existence and has no “experience” in love. She also tells him that this is “extremely” important to her niece and basically, we’re just going round in circles at this point.
“We’re a little protective,” Kerry says… You don’t say…!

Farmer David is keen to talk to his first of two lady loves about how she feels the day went and says that now’s the time to hear about any “bombshells” before making his decision.
Farmer Matt and Annabelle can unwind now the family get together is over
On a much happier Central Coast, Annabelle and Matt are walking hand-in-hand on a boardwalk and arrive at a sail boat for their “Titanic moment”. While we know she’s referencing Jack and Rose, we are seriously questioning if she realises how that story ended…
Annabelle asks her collective boyfriend if he would be happy visiting her family on the Cenny Coast and he’s very quick to point out that he would “holiday” there but not “live” there. Awkies.

After popping a bottle of champers, they celebrate the “OK” family meeting. Farmer Matt says he’s concerned that Annabelle goes off like the cork on said bottle when she doesn’t open up and Annabelle assures him that she’s “not holding back” anymore and that their story isn’t over just yet.
“To be with you, I could live anywhere,” Annabelle said, getting emotional. “I’m really falling for you, Matt.”
“I want it to be me,” she later tells the cameras.
Farmer Matt heads to Wollongong to meet Olivia’s family
After spending some time on the Cenny Coast with Annabelle, Farmer Matt heads to Wollongong to meet up with Olivia.
“Olivia does make you feel happy and at ease and present in the moment,” he says.

After recapping their past experience on Farmer, Olivia tells Farmer Matt that he’s meeting her “mumma” and sister Belle, who acts like her “second mum”.
Farmer Matt says that he does have a “little bit of stress”, given that he’s “dating two women” at once but is excited to meet the people that “mean so much to her”.
At her family home, Farmer Matt is greeted by mum Kim, step-dad Chris and “second mum” Belle, who has never been “particularly close” with any of Olivia’s exes…also, she’s stunning.

Belle is also eager to make her own “opinion about what they are like as a couple”, so we’re expecting a lot of questions. Apparently, the family play a game of “best part of the day and worst part”, but instead Belle wants to know the “best date and worst date” they’ve had.
Farmer Matt is completely overwhelmed and his eyes are screaming for help.

When speaking to the cameras, he says there are a lot of “big personalities” at the table, by which he means the women because step-dad Chris hasn’t made a sound.
“I do see that as something that I could quite easily put up with,” Matt says. Lol. “Well, embrace, perhaps.”
Farmer Matt says his best date was with Olivia at the chocolate factory and Kim points out that there’s a lot of “hand holding” going on…not helpful Kim. We want to know his worst date!
Belle says that they seem quite “smitten” with one another, and probes them about Matt’s move to Canberra.
Olivia reveals that she has already spoken to her employer about doing flexi hours with her new contract meaning she would do Monday-Thursday in the Gong and travel to Canberra or Bookham on Thursday evenings to spend time with Matt “potentially”.
Belle says she doesn’t want Olivia to make all the “sacrifices”, which is so fair, and Farmer Matt is shocked by the revelation, because he just thought his second girlfriend would move with him.

Farmer Matt is concerned that being long-distance would put a strain on the relo before Belle “steals” him away for a chat.
In a piece-to-camera, he says that the future with Olivia looks “messy” compared to one with Annabelle. He then says the key thing in their relationship would be that it would “take time” and wants to talk to her about it.
Farmer David and Emily share their “last moments” together before the decision is made
Farmer David and Emily are now at the Emporium Hotel in Brisbane, looking like a million bucks.

Up on the rooftop, Farmer David asks how she feels after spending time her “intense” family, especially after the moving out topic came up.
“Does that create any doubts how you foresaw going back to the farm?” he asks her.
Emily admits it’s a really big decision and even though she has “no doubts” and she “can’t fully commit” to moving yet. Farmer David hopes it’s just the stress of the final decision.
She is willing to make the sacrifice, but not knowing what he is going to decide, is halting that.
“I am falling in love with you,” she says and they kiss. Passionately.

After leaving Brisvegas, Farmer David heads to Newcastle to meet Lorelei.
After a recap of their time on the show, Farmer David tells her he’s glad that they’ve made it to this point. He is worried about the reality of the farm becoming daunting for her.
Then they go to her family home to meet Lorelei’s family: mum Danielle, dad Darren and brothers Marty and Harrison.
Harrison thinks David is “charming” and seems like a “lovely guy”, but wants to know if Lorelei a.k.a “Louie” would be happy leaving her beachside home of the Gold Coast. She tells her family that she’s “ready for a change” and is happy on the farm.
Unlike Emily’s fambam, Lorelei’s family are very “positive” and “supportive”. Harrison takes his sister aside and after chatting with her, says that it may be the “happiest” she’s ever seen her with a partner before.

Farmer David’s final one-on-one time with Lorelei
After the quickest lunch ever (not a good sign), it’s time for the Farmers to have some one-on-one with Olivia and Lorelei.
Farmer David says that he feels that after the lunch they have “a lot to celebrate” and that they have all “those right things for a relationship”, but he’s worried that she moves around a lot and if she were to be chosen, she couldn’t do that anymore.
When talking to her about it, she says: “the word forever is a really long time”, but says when you find that special someone, it’s “the sacrifices you make”.
“We’ve found something pretty amazing,” he says. “It’s good to be here.” They kiss.

“I know that you’ll make the right decision,” she tells him.
In a piece-to-camera she gets emotional saying the “worst outcome” would be not being the girl at the end.
Farmer Matt and Olivia’s final one-on-one time
Farmer Matt and Olivia are now along in a garden (again) and he tells her that although “today was really good”, his biggest insecurity is the fact that she wants to do long-distance. He then asks her about timeframes and says that the move to Canberra will be for about “five years”…
“I really do have a big decision to make and I really want to make sure that we can make this work outside of this,” he tells her.
Olivia admits she doesn’t want to give him a timeline and that it’s still important for them to take “baby steps” but she doesn’t want to do long distance for “too long because I like being around you too much.”
Farmer Matt is now tres confused.

Farmer Matt’s final decision
Farmer Matt reflects on his two ladies and says that his relationship with Annabelle is “a lot easier to plan out” but at the end of the day, he needs to figure out “who makes my heart sing”.
Olivia admits she “loves so much about Matt”, including how the “world stops” when they’re together. On the other hand, Annabelle says she’s had “such an amazing time” with her Farmer.
“I see it with him and I want this,” she said.
Annabelle is the first one out of the car, which means doom, as Matt says in a voiceover that he’s in love.
“I’ve always admired your honesty,” Matt tells her. “Your hugs have been a massive highlight… Annabelle you are the most caring, kind person. These are all traits I want in my future partner, I’m just really sorry, that I’ve fallen for someone else.” Ooft.

“I just feel numb… he’s obviously not the one for me,” Annabelle says.
Then, Olivia arrives.
“Olivia, when I first met you, I was so nervous I was going to stuff it up but you were so easy to talk to… your laughter is something that is truly stunning.
“Olivia, I started this experience, hoping to find someone to share the rest of my life with… Olivia, I have fallen in love with you and I want to share my future with you.”
After the pair mack on, Farmer Matt says: “I think I’ve known for a while.”
“Yay!” she said. Cute.

Farmer David’s final decision
It’s Farmer David’s turn and he says he can see a very “happy future with both of the girls”.
Lorelei also reflects on the decision, saying she is “nervous” while Emily says it feels like “we’re the only people in the world” when she’s with David.
Emily gets out of the car first.
“The farm was tricky for you at the start,” he says. “I love the way that we have effortless conversation. But, having relationships isn’t something you’ve got the biggest track record of… and I do worry, you will be overwhelmed…”
What’s this?! A PLOT TWIST!
Lorelei is now being shown.
“Lorelei, I still smile when I think back to the first time we met,” he says. “The way you make me smile, the way you challenge me…plays on my mind everyday. Coming into this, I never knew you’d shape my future… Louie, I hope you know how much I adore you.
“And it breaks my heart to tell you, I’ve fallen so heavily for someone else and I have to give that future a chance.”

Lorelei goes quiet and faints in David’s arms.
“I got you. It’s OK,” he says. “I’m sorry.”
“I really thought I had a chance,” she says.

Finally, Emily is back.
“I came here to find a future,” Farmer David tells her. “Emily, you are the most genuine person I know. I love the way you wear all your emotions on your face. I know you haven’t had many serious relationships… I hope this will be your last. I’ve completely fallen in love with you and I can’t wait to see where this future goes.”

“I’ve wanted this moment so bad and I’m just so happy,” she says.
Thank god, now we’ll never have to hear just how single Emily has been ever again!
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