Million Dollar Island Recap Episode 1: 20 Thoughts I had while watching absolute chaos

There's a LOT going on.
Nick from Million Dollar Island

It’s Million Dollar Island Australia 2023 episode one and we’re about to be thrown into the deep end.

In the span of an hour and a half, we were introduced to 100 contestants, informed about the premise of the game, watched an elimination challenge go down and saw FIVE people sent home.

The entire episode was a ride, and I had a lot of thoughts throughout.

Here are 20 of them:

Contestants head to Million Dollar Island

1. I already knew there were going to be 100 contestants but seeing them all together is a lot. Like, a lot a lot.

2. Why are they allowed so much stuff? People are literally swimming through the water with full-on suitcases?

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

3. I’m trying to get past this 100-contestant thing, but it’s tough. Seeing everyone sitting at the podium is making me spiral about how I am going to remember all (or any?) of their names.

4. On that note, with so many contestants there’s sure to be a lot of showmances, right? Juicy.

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

The Elimination Wheel gives Mike the power to pick the contestants in the elimination challenge

5. Mike was in charge of picking the contestants who will compete in the elimination challenge and we were told only one person will be kept safe. He said his “last choice” was to pick six strong people (not including himself) to “suss out what they’re like under pressure” and avoid being involved in the elimination. I’m just wondering why this is his last choice and not his first choice?

6. We were introduced to Adrian who is a “Survival Enthusiast” and while I don’t know exactly what that is, he certainly looks the part.

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

7. Mike selected the players to take part in the challenge, and unsurprisingly (!!) he picked himself. It’s Brett, Scott, Tim, Sherwin and Dan facing off with him.

8. Adrian AKA Survival Enthusiast knew what’s up. “I wouldn’t have done that, especially just getting to the island. I wouldn’t have nominated myself no,” he told the camera.

The challenge

9. With everyone’s challenge towers constantly falling over, are we even going to have time to eliminate a chunk of these people so I can start to remember some names?

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

10. It looks as though I may have to eat my words as Mike’s in the lead. Oh god, please no.

11. Nope, Brett made an insane comeback. Not gonna say I told you so Mike, but I kinda did.

12. Brett was deemed safe from this elimination (and the next) and snapped on his competitor’s bracelets which made him the “richest man on the island” with $60,000. This puts a huuuge target on his back, non?

The elimination aftermath

13. Mike, Scott, Tim, Sherwin and Dan’s only hope of staying in the game was to get a bracelet off a team-mate who was willing to quit. Sure, it’s unlikely anyone would want to quit on day two. HOWEVER, maybe these contestants didn’t know there were going to be so many competitors. And CBF with a 1% chance at winning? Just saying.

14. Boom. Donald decided he was over it and was considering going home. Who could blame him? His job title is miner, so a million bucks is prob a few day’s work anyways.

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

15. After putting himself in the firing line, Nick couldn’t even bring himself to hustle the other contestants for their bracelets. At this point, I’m hoping he’ll stay solely for the entertainment factor.

16. Kelly was sick and told she has to go. Here’s hoping her bracelet goes to the wholesome blonde guy (Dan) who wants to support his grandparents with his winnings.


17. It’s elimination time, which five people will go home? My prediction? Nick (obviously), Kelly (medical reasons), Donald (Self-eviction), Sherwin, and Scott.

18. Curveball: Kelly gave her bracelet to someone (I’ve never seen before) who isn’t even up for eviction.

Million Dollar Island. Seven.

19. Boo! Dan’s sent home along with our exceptional villain Nick, as well as Kelly, Donald, Sherin, and Scott. Donald decides to give his bracelet to Tim and just like that, we’re down to 94 contestants.

20. Brett’s advice for Jonathan, who will be picking the next elimination batch, is top-notch. “You don’t want to nominate yourself, don’t make the Mike mistake. Think hard about what you’re going to do.” Touche.

Million Dollar Island Australia continues at 7.30pm on 7 and 7Plus.

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Tagged: Featured, Million Dollar Island, Reality TV, Recap, TV


Danica Baker

Danica is our deputy editor who followed her parent’s career advice of “do what you love”, which for her, involves watching a whole lot of reality TV. You'll find her bylines on Rolling Stone, W...
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