Paige on TikTok talking about The Block

Paige slams The Block for making her “look crazy”

"Blatantly cutting conversations to make me look crazy."

Former The Block 2024 contestant Paige Beechey, who was teamed up with her fiancé, Jesse Maguire, has slammed the show in a series of TikTok videos, accusing producers of making her “look crazy”.

During the September 9 episode, Jesse and Paige announced that they had quit The Block due to her mental health issues.

The episode started with a clip of Jesse and Paige fighting, and they later talked to the show’s psychologist before they decided to leave.



♬ original sound – Paige Beechey

Paige’s first TikTok Video.

When Paige watched the episode back, she said that she felt that The Block used her issues as a means to entertain viewers.

“The way they handled that whole mental health departure was just such a gross display of a TV show trying to cash grab for relevancy, and it’s really clear that they’re trying to step into their woke era.

“This was very opportunistic for them at the expense of mental health,” she began in the first TikTok video.



♬ original sound – Paige Beechey

Paige’s second TikTok video.

Paige said producers cut together her sentences to match The Block story line

Paige told her followers that she and Jesse were progressing smoothly on The Block during the first couple of weeks but was shocked to see that wasn’t how it played out during the episodes.

“The first two weeks, Jesse and I were pretty good. We were smooth sailing; producers were calling me an energiser bunny. They were commending me on how well I was handling the pressures and the stress,” she explained.

“They did that by literally putting full sentences in my mouth, and that’s what we like to call frankenbiting. They were chopping bits and bobs from everywhere and just smushing them together,” she added, referring to the editing technique which involves joining sentences together from different interviews.

“They were just blatantly cutting conversations to make me look crazy,” she said.

“They had to create a storyline for our eventual departure. That’s why they made the first two weeks absolutely fucking crazy,” she added.

“We were quite frustrated with the first two weeks of how we were depicted because it was just an editing shitshow.”

Paige made further claims about her time on the show in the explosive series of TikToks, including allegations against the filming crew and a psychologist.

Chattr has reached out to Channel 9 for comments.



♬ original sound – Paige Beechey

Paige’s third TikTok video.

The Block airs on Sundays at 7pm and Mon – Wednesday at 7:30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now.

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