Shelby Farmer Wants a Wife

Recap — Episode 11: The Farmers send a Lady home on Farmer Wants a Wife

And one Lady has A LOT to say!

It’s Farmer Wants a Wife Australia 2023 episode 11 and tonight, the magical final 24-hour solo dates get underway and this time together “will change everything”.

First up, we’re catching up with Farmer Brenton and “Soph”. In the most random of dates, Brenton takes his Lady on a camel-ride on the beach. Yes, a camel ride.

Brenton calls it “the best date so far”.

Brenton, Sophie and Bam Bam the camel. Seven.

Sophie tells Brenton that she’d like to go travelling and he reveals that farming is “seasonal”.

Meanwhile, Farmer David and Lorelei are making pizzas, which seems much more respectable.

David thinks it’s important to spend time with her because in the past, his exes hadn’t wanted to move to the farm and that’s a concern he has with her.

He asks her what her timeframe is if she were to pack things up and she reveals she has “nothing tying” her down.

Farmer David and Lorelei. Seven.

Farmer Brad says his connection with Clare feels “right” and wants to ask her how they will “make it work” if he chooses her. He takes her to a stunning cabin with a hot tub.

Wasting zero time, the pair hop in for a bevvy and a deep chat. Brad admits he was “heartbroken” by his last relationship. He asks Clare if she would consider “six months…four months…three months” long-distance and Clare says that it would put “a strain” on their blossoming romance.

Clare and Farmer Brad. Seven

Brad is thinking about “outside in the real world” and doesn’t want to rush it.

“Six months is too long for me,” she says. “I’ll tell you that right now, to make that work long-distance.”

Farmer Matt admits he “can see a future with Annabelle”

Farmer Matt and Annabelle head off on a trail ride. He’s really happy that his parents chose her for the date and loves how career-driven she is.

“I want to see more depth,” he says, after saying that their relationship has always been “flirty”.

Annabelle calls it “the most important date” of the experience so far.

Matt and Annabelle. Seven.

Annabelle tells him she came in “looking for something” and “it’s happening”.

“My heart is telling me that,” she says.

They couple kiss. Aggressively. And Farmer Matt admits he “can definitely see a future with Annabelle”.

Farmer Matt and Annabelle. Seven.

Meanwhile, Lorelei has convinced Farmer David she’s keen to move to the farm, but he still needs reassurance his “feelings” are reciprocated.

He admits that it’s “hugely confusing” at the moment.

“I want to end up with a future partner,” he says. “I adore you, I like being in your company. Me as a potential partner, how do you see that?”

Lorelei says that when it’s just the two of them, “this feeling I have, I’ve never experienced”.

“Although it’s scary, it makes me really happy…as a partner, I’m all in.”

Farmer David feels even more conflicted.

Farmer Brenton wonders if Sophie feels like the farm is “enough”

Back with Annabelle and Farmer Matt, they got the chance to get “a little more intimate” by having deeper conversations.

Annabelle talks about the lunch with Matt’s parents and how she inadvertently took his attention away from the other girls. However, a testament to him, he checked on her because he was there to look after “all the girls”.

Once again, she looks up at him like a smitten kitten and tells him that she “wants him”. But like, in a cute way, not a sexy way…

Annabelle and Matt. Seven.

Farmer Matt then asks her what a future would look like.

“It would have to be long-distance for a little bit,” she admits, saying she still has her life on the Central Coast. She gives him a time-frame of six months.

“I want you to know that I am developing those feelings, that I am starting to fall for you,” she says. “It just feels so right with you.”

He then calls her “perfect in every sense of the word”. They mack on again.

Farmer Matt and Annabelle.

Farmer Matt admits that no one has ever told him that they’re falling in love with him, which is weird, because have they met him?!

Meanwhile at the stunning Darriman Glamping Escape by Under Sky, Farmer Brenton and Sophie hop off their camels to glamp. Sophie loves it. We also love how these women pretend like the Farmers choose their dates…”He’s so romantic!” Yeh…and so are the producers.

Glamping! Seven.

It is romantic AF and Sophie calls the date “incredible”. She admits she hasn’t missed the city and even though she’s a social person, she can do that “here”.

She admits she’s keen to host dinners and Farmer Brenton says he likes things “planned out”. He’s not spontaneous like she is, which she “keeps noted”.

Brenton tells the cameras that he’s worried whether the farm is “enough” for her and talks about how she’d like to travel for six weeks. He says that it’s hard to leave a cattle farm, when ya know, there are live animals etc.

Sophie’s answers “throw a spanner in the works” and feels “rattly” at the moment.

Continuing with the “enough” trend, Olivia doesn’t feel like she’s enough for Farmer Matt

It’s morning and the dates are drawing to a close. Back at the homesteads, everybody is freaking out.

Shelby and Morgan are worried that Farmer Brad and Clare have done something romantic and once again, Shelby hates Clare.

She is worried that she hasn’t had enough time with her mans and that Clare drains her “glass half empty” cup. Cool.

Farmer Brad and Clare arrive back home and the Ladies pretend to be happy for them.

Shelby and Morgan. Seven.

Over on Farmer Matt’s farm, Chelsea and Olivia are also freaking the eff out.

When the pair arrive home, the Ladies say that they are “livin’ the dream” by being stuck at home by themselves and Olivia continues her downward spiral.

“Jealousy is not necessarily what I was feeling,” she says before adding that horses make her feel calm and so it was absolute sh** that Annabelle went riding with Matt…. but she’s not jealous, guys.

Annabelle throws in the fact that there were blankets which really rubs it in and Olivia wants to scream with rage.

“I just don’t know if I’m enough,” she tells the cameras afterwards. She walks away crying and says she thinks she wants to go home.

Olivia. Seven.

On Farmer Brenton’s farm, Rachel and Jemma are also worried about the 24-hour date.

Rachel says she’s “confident that nothing has changed” between her and Brenton and when Sophie and their collective boyfriend arrive back home, it’s awkies AF.

The Ladies notice a weird energy shift and while they want Farmer Brenton to themselves, they feel bad for Sophie, because something clearly went wrong.

Rachel and Jemma. Seven.

Rachel admits that she compares herself to Sophie and Jemma tells her she is “amazing”, which we love.

Twin sister Sophie is contemplating where she stands with Farmer Matt and feels their relationship is at a “standstill”.

Olivia is still spiralling, and cries in front of Matt.

“It’s just getting more tough seeing this kind of stuff play out,” she tells him. “The little person in me…is saying run for it but the other part of it is saying stay.”

Matt calls it a “little speed bump”.

Matt and Olivia. Seven.

Emily and Alyssa (who get precisely zero airtime) are waiting for Farmer David and Lorelei to return home.

Alyssa can tell that Emily and Lorelei’s connections are further along and she and Emily try to hold it together, pretending they are A-OK.

Emily and Alyssa. Seven.

Shelby pulls Farmer Brad for a chat during the final Farm Farewell Dinner

Farmer Matt is conflicted going into the Farm Farewell and so is Farmer Brad. And so is Farmer David…and Farmer Brenton.

“This is easily at the point now where I can send the wrong lady home,” Farmer Brenton says.

There’s tension on Farmer Brad’s farm and he asks the Ladies what their “highs and lows are”.

Shelby says that she wishes she hadn’t come into the experience so late and pulls him for a chat. She then reads out a letter which says: “I wish I hadn’t come in late so that I could have LOVED you sooner.” WOAH.

“I came here for you and I came here to find love,” she tells him before admitting that doesn’t want to go home “with regrets”.

“I am the girl that you met on our date,” she says barely holding it together. As per usual, Farmer Brad gives no reassurance.

Shelby. Seven.

“I’ve got a decision to make and I hope I make the right one,” he tells the cameras.

At Farmer Brenton’s dinner, he has three girls he “can see a future with”.

Chelsea and Brenton move away from the table to talk about their relationship and he tells her that he really likes her.

“I’ve never been so sure about someone,” she says.

The Farmers each send home one Lady

Back at the table, Farmer Brenton sends Jemma home.

While she handles it graciously, she pulls Rachel for a chat and says that Sophie was “foreshadowing my exit”. She also tells her not to let Sophie overshadow her.

Jemma. Seven.

In Bookham, Farmer Matt says he feels like he’s given a piece of his heart to all of his girlfriends. He also doesn’t feel like his heart is secure with “just one of them”. He then pulls Olivia for a chat.

“God, this is so hard,” Annabelle says, crying.

Farmer Matt and Olivia talk and he’s concerned that she wanted to leave.

“I need to choose between a relationship that feels right and one I don’t want to let go of,” he tells her.

Over at Farmer David’s gathering of womens, he looks like the Godfather deciding who to kill off.

Farmer David.

He says he bases his decisions off how he’s feeling and then abruptly says: “Alyssa, yeh we’ll be ending the adventure here.” K bye.

In Cootamundra, Farmer Brad says the experience is “upsetting”.

“That lady I’m going to send home tonight…Shelby, I’m really sorry. It just hasn’t been long enough,” he says.

Before leaving, Shelby b**ches about Clare one last time.

“I do want to tell you one thing before I go. I feel like you need to know. There are things that you don’t see. I think there’s one person here that genuinely wants your heart and I feel like there’s one person that’s not being genuine to you.” Go off, sis!

She says other stuff about ye olde’ Clare and he says he “appreciates it”, but really, he just wants her to leave.

Farmer Brad and Shelby. Seven.

Finally, Farmer Matt is left to face his decision.

He says the relationship he needs to let go of, is the one he’s “struggling to see how to make it work going forward”.

“I’m really sorry Chelsea, but I think this is the end of our relationship.”

Chelsea and Farmer Matt. Seven.

Wow. Shocker.

Farmer Wants a Wife continues on Monday at 7.30 pm.

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