mafs commitment ceremony

Stay or Leave? Here’s what happened during the Married at First Sight Commitment Ceremony

Should they stay or should the go?!

While the Dinner Parties bring the ultimate drama during Married at First Sight Australia, it’s nothing compared to the wrath of the experts during the Commitment Ceremony.

From Alessandra Rampolla calling out sh**ty behaviour to John Aiken saying what we’re all thinking and Mel Schilling’s “less than impressed” face, it’s no surprise that our couples feel the need to yeet it outta there faster than they can get their blue tick.

But who stayed (or was forced to stay) and who chose to leave?

john aiken
John Aiken from Married at First Sight Australia 2023. Source: Nine.

Scroll through to see what the Married at First Sight Australia 2023 couples decided to do at the Commitment Ceremonies.

Commitment Ceremony 4 — March 5

Married at First Sight’s 21st episode sees the couples struggling to address tensions from Wednesday’s chaotic Dinner Party.

Evelyn’s exposure of a “pocket dial” from a boys’ night out caused intense damage to Sandy and Dan, as well as Tayla and Hugo’s relationships.

It’s now officially halfway through the experiment and stakes are at an all-time high — with life-altering decisions being made.

Jesse and Claire

Claire and Jesse. Source: Nine.

Claire and Jesse are the first couple on the couch and after having a few crap weeks, we’re really glad they’ve finally got their sh*t together.

Over the last week, Claire has gone above and beyond to show her consideration for Jesse, who has been thrilled by the turnaround.

This week saw the pair share their first kiss, which left Jesse feeling “wanted” due to Claire’s efforts.

The question is, will it actually stick this time?!

Jesse’s decision: Stay

Claire’s decision: Stay

Dan and Sandy

Dan and Sandy. Source: Nine. MAFS
Dan and Sandy. Source: Nine.

Sandy and Dan are still dealing with the fallout from Dan’s fooked behaviour at the boys’ night. After hearing that he was comparing his current wife to his former girlfriends, Sandy felt upset and distanced.

Despite an intimate moment earlier in the week, Dan decided to hit it and quit it, pulling away from their relationship.

Incompatibilities between the pair were highlighted, namely that Sandy does not like the beach as much as Dan does… which is awkward because he’s in “beast mode”.

While Sandy tries to focus on their similarities, Dan focuses on the incompatibilities and pictures of his ex-girlfriends…

Thank goodness Sandy decided not to put herself through anymore misery. SEE YA!

Dan’s decision: Leave

Sandy’s decision: Leave

Evelyn and Rupert

Evelyn and Rupert. Source: Nine. MAFS
Evelyn and Rupert. Source: Nine.

Despite the events of the Dinner Party, Evelyn and Rupert are going strong. While it was painful AF for Dan, the couple felt as though the chaos brought them together. And dah! Those who create drama stay together!

Evelyn’s decision: Stay

Rupert’s decision: Stay

Harrison and Bronte

Harrison and Bronte.
Harrison and Bronte. Source: Nine.

Bronte threw around words like “compassion” and “empathy”, and “supportive”, which is weird because we totally feel as though Harrison exhibits none of these behaviours.

The couple then reveals that they are in the best place they’ve ever been in the experiment, with Harrison even introducing Bronte to her son.

Both then admitted that they are falling in love with one another… (¬_¬)

While they think they’re happy, others in the group are sceptical — including expert John. LAWL.

Expert John Aiken
John is sceptical. Source: Nine.

Bronte’s decision: Stay

Harrison’s decision: Stay

Melinda and Layton

Melinda and Layton.
Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine.

Melinda and Layton admitted that they endure a rollercoaster during the week; however, we never get to see it because everyone else’s drama is too damn overpowering. But when they arrive on the couch, they’re “good”… so, there’s that.

New relo expert Harrison and real Expert John call out the couple, who accuse them of putting on a façade. He then pushes them to talk about the issues they’re facing.

Melinda admits she’s worried about how they can move forward when they’re both so stubborn, but John gives them some tips on better handling conflict when it arises.

Melinda’s decision: Stay

Layton’s decision: Stay

Tahnee and Ollie

Ollie and Tahnee. Source: Nine.

They’re “stoked” and falling in love. Next!

Tahnee’s decision: Stay

Ollie’s decision: Stay

Lyndall and Cam

Cam and Lyndall. Source: Nine.
Cam and Lyndall. Source: Nine.

Lyndall and Cam had a difficult week following a visit from their mothers.

While Cam has been trying to show more affection, he did tell Lyndall that his Mum thinks she is insecure. Awks.

Lyndall cries on that couch and tells the Experts she doesn’t think she’s asking for too much.

These guys seems to be headed for disaster — so let’s watch this space.

Lyndall’s decision: Stay

Cam’s decision: Stay

Alyssa and Duncan

Duncan and Alyssa. Source: Nine.
Duncan and Alyssa. Source: Nine.

Alyssa is concerned that her insecurities are impacting her relationship with Duncan. She worries about being a single parent and the “baggage” that comes with it.

Duncan reassures her of his commitment to the relationship.

Alyssa’s decision: Stay

Duncan’s decision: Stay

Tayla and Hugo

Tayla and Hugo. Source: Nine.

After the chaos of the boiz night and the Dinner Party, Tayla and Hugo’s relationship has been left in tatters.

While Tayla is certainly no saint, she felt “betrayed” by her husband, which he apologises for and says he wants to make things work.

Hugo then admits that he feels “insecure” around his wife and says he’s “terrified” of upsetting her, which is shocking for Tayla, but not us.

The nurse then decides it’s time to leg it out of the experiment and is bewildered to see that Hugo wants to stay.

“No way,” Tayla said, taking off her ring, before walking out. “Seriously, f*ck this I’m going home.”

Tayla’s decision: Leave

Hugo’s decision: Stay

Commitment Ceremony 3 — February 26

The third Commitment Ceremony welcomes the two new couples to the couch. Alessandra hits the newlyweds with the hard questions as it’s D-Day for Jesse and Claire and Janelle and Adam.

Janelle and Adam

Janelle and Adam
Janelle and Adam. Source: Nine.

Janelle and Adam join the couch; however, neither of them wants to speak after that s**tfight of a week, so Alessandra gets the ball rolling.

“Maybe, I’ll start… how did you feel when you found out that Adam kissed Claire that night?”

Visibly upset, Janelle said that Adam’s lack of “accountability” and “apology” was the most upsetting thing of the whole ordeal.

Alessandra then points out that Adam was more concerned about him making “peace with Jesse” than with his own wife, and like a toddler who couldn’t string two sentences together, he struggled to explain himself.

“Why did you kiss Claire?” John asked him before Adam said: “I was drunk” and bro, no one is buying your f**cked excuses.

When the room tries to hold Adam accountable for his lack of apology, he again shows no remorse.

Janelle and Adam decide to quit the experiment (thank God), and Adam immediately leaves the room. No one follows him.

“Sorry guys,” he says, and no, you ain’t.

Adam’s decision: Leave

Janelle’s decision: Leave

Alyssa and Duncan

Alyssa and Duncan.
Alyssa and Duncan. Source: Nine.

We hate when mum and dad fight, and this week, our collective parents, Alyssa and Duncan, are arguing over Duncan maintaining contact with Adam throughout the cheating scandal.

“I didn’t think I’d necessarily done anything too wrong,” Duncan says. “I was trying to get people to own stuff.”

Duncan calls the situation a “hiccup” but says it feels like he’s “in trouble for doing something as bad as Adam did.”

“It’s a differing opinion, and I think you can have a difference of opinion and work through them,” he says.

A heartbroken Alyssa is unsure whether their morals align anymore; however, they hold hands and decide to work through it.

Alyssa’s decision: Stay

Duncan’s decision: Stay

Melinda and Layton

Melinda and Layton.
Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine.

Melinda has truly had the best arc of the season, going from villain to the ultimate boss b**ch — and we LOVE this for her.

Both she and Layton have continued moving forward in their relationship — three or four days without an argument (lol) — and it’s actually pretty cute!

Melinda’s decision: Stay

Layton’s decision: Stay

Tahnee and Ollie

Tahnee and Ollie. Source: Nine.

Tahnee and Ollie are quite perfect and have even started discussing the next steps in their relationship after the experiment. Cute!

Tahnee’s decision: Stay

Ollie’s decision: Stay

Harrison and Bronte

Harrison. Source: Nine.

Since Bronte is unwell, Harrison is all alone on the couch.

While he could have just said, “yeh, she’s crook,” instead, he tells everyone she goes “through more than other women during that time of the month.”

Then telling everyone she suffers from endometriosis, he then reveals she’s “in a lot of pain and gets very emotional and crying”, but jeezus christ. SHUT UP, dude.

Mel and Alessandra want to throttle him.

John then calls out Harrison for not being “real with us” and pretending to be sad, and dah, John. He;s gotta fake it because he hasn’t got his blue tick yet…

Harrison’s decision: Stay

Bronte’s decision: Stay

Evelyn and Rupert

When Evelyn and Rupert join the couch, John tells him he doesn’t “look comfortable” — basically summing the entire interaction between the pair.

Rupert then bumbles through, while Evelyn admits she feels her hubby isn’t ready for this kind of human interaction commitment.

The new Groom then admits to “liking her” but needs to be told he’s A-OK by his Bride. She says she is attracted to him and even say says she sees their relationship “blossoming”. Kinda cute…for 16-year-olds.

Rupert’s decision: Stay

Evelyn’s decision: Stay

Sandy and Dan

Sandy and Dan. MAFS.
Sandy and Dan. Source: Nine.

It’s a little frosty over in Sandy and Dan’s world.

Sandy admitted that Dan was “never home”, probably because he was already hooking up with the chick from his wedding, and John says they just look like “friends…if that”.

Dan then admits he’s not “sexually attracted” to her and says: “I think that sexual tension needs to build.” Awkies.

Sandy feels rejected (dah!) and reveals “he barely looks at me.” Dan is shocked that she thinks this and Alessandra tells him that “intimacy is, of course, not only sexual but emotional”.

Sandy’s Decision: Stay

Dan’s Decision: Stay

Tayla and Hugo

Tayla and Hugo.
Tayla and Hugo. Source: Nine.

During their first official outing on the couch, Hugo says that it has been an “adjustment” and said he hoped he would have the “adorable meet-cute” during the experiment; however, “things slowed down”.

Tayla then admitted she couldn’t handle how many compliments she received from her Groom and perdona?

“Does not compute for me,” Mel said diplomatically. Us either.

Tayla then revealed she had snapped at Hugo for calling her “adorable and cute” because she’s “anything but” and ladies, this is why we can’t have nice things.

“If you’re going to compliment me, say something that sounds genuine and reflects my personality,” she said. Ohhhh, we see the problem — he just couldn’t find any other adjectives.

Tayla said she would prefer to be called “smart”, “quick”, and “driven,” forgetting that he is married to her and not writing her LinkedIn profile before Tayla says Hugo is not her “usual type”.

Mel, who was sick of Tayla’s bulls**t already, said that it was “”This is “not [a] made-to-order Grooms and Brides service.”

“That’s your old pattern, and it didn’t work out for you.” Ooft.

Hugo’s decision: Stay

Tayla’s decision: Stay

Lyndall and Cameron

Cameron and Lyndall. Source: Nine

Alessandra begins by saying Lyndall’s body language is “quite telling”, which is accurate since she literally looks like she would rather be anywhere else.

“It’s been one rollercoaster for us,” Cameron admits.

The couple revealed that they had Facetimed Lyndall’s mum, who had suggested Cameron give her a hug after Lyndall was feeling overwhelmed. Feeling “uncomfortable”, Cameron didn’t oblige and left. Afterwards, the pair had a “huge blow up”.

Back on the couch, Alessandra asked if Lyndall thought her husband was overreacting who said she’d “never want to make anyone do anything they were uncomfortable with”.

“Hugging me shouldn’t feel unnatural,” she said heatedly. “Not a month into this.”

Cameron then admitted it was because he felt “pressured” by Lyndall’s mum.

“Am I that awful and repulsive that you don’t want to hug me when I’m upset?” she asked him.

Interjecting, John called the excuse a”cop-out” before Alessandra gave him some hard truths.

“I’m not feeling any remorse for her feeling so awful,” she said.

Deciding they would try to make it work after #hug-gate, Cameron and Lyndall seemed back on track.

Cameron’s decision: Stay

Lyndall’s decision: Stay

Jesse and Claire

Jesse and Claire.
Jesse and Claire. Source: Nine.

God, we’re really starting to love Jesse, whose only look now is that of a wounded puppy.

“Where do we begin,” John says and yes, where, John?! Where, indeed.

Directing his questioning to Claire, John reiterates that “it all came out because you decided to come clean.”

Claire admits she wanted to tell Jesse because he was having “romantic feelings” for her and found herself keeping him “at arm’s length” because she was carrying “guilt and shame”.

“I knew I’d done the wrong thing,” she said.

John said that Jesse looked “weighed down”, and Jesse admitted the week had been “heavy”.

“I’m not sure how to explain it,” Jesse said. “There was a lot of vindication, a lot of like, I knew it, I knew I was on to something.”

While he felt justified, he then said he was still “questioning everything” and had a lot of “doubt” and “defeatism”.

John then asked Claire why she didn’t come clean earlier, who admitted that she was “afraid”.

The other Brides — specifically Alyssa, Melinda and Janelle’s facial expressions — decided to take aim at Claire, with Melinda saying she lied “five times”.

“It’s the betrayal…the gaslighting. Adam sitting on the couch at the first commitment ceremony. Jesse saying, ‘I feel this has happened,’ and Adam making him look like a crazy person,” Alyssa said.

Sandy then defended Claire, saying she was “owning” her mistake, and asked people to give her some credit.

When the attention turned back to Jesse, he said that while Claire was taking accountability, he also didn’t want to pile on her.

Breaking down, Jesse questioned whether he was “worthy” of being loved.

“You don’t deserve what I did,” Claire whispers to him. “I’m so sorry.”

Claire then called her husband “selfless” because he was “sitting here, feeling all his feels, and he’s worried about me feeling hurt.”

Upon decision time, Jesse decides that his steam has run out and wants to leave “to do the right thing for himself”; however, Claire wants to gain back his trust and hold him captive for another week.

John calls Jesse “remarkable” and praises him, reminding him he is worthy of love and insists he should give it another shot.

Jesse’s decision: Leave

Claire’s decision: Stay

Commitment Ceremony 2 — February 19

The Commitment Ceremony started with a speech from Aiken saying that no one would get away without taking “accountability” for their actions, and we just knew that Harrison was about to be torn to shreds!

Jesse and Claire

Claire and Jesse. Commitment Ceremony MAFS.
Claire and Jesse. Source: Nine.

After a “re-introduction” to the couple and a rocky start to the experiment, Claire and Jesse have gone from strength to strength during Intimacy Week.

Jesse admitted that “yeah, I like her”; however, it was revealed they hadn’t kissed “yet”.

After last week, it’s obvious that this couple could actually make it, resulting in the biggest turnaround of the experiment.

Jesse’s decision: Stay

Claire’s decision: Stay

Bronte and Harrison

Harrison and Bronte Commitment Ceremony MAFS.
Harrison and Bronte. Source: Nine.

Look, we still have zero hope for this couple, and despite a tension-filled dinner party – and much to the group’s surprise – they remain strong.

Harrison then blamed Bronte for EVERYTHING, even saying that her apology “fixed us”.

Luckily, John was not thrilled and grilled him about the phone number he had taken during the boys night out.

“I just wanted to humour her,” he said of the girl who asked for his number. Bronte, however, said she was “secure” in herself and was “choosing to trust him”. Why tho?!

Claire — the goddamn voice of reason — then piped up, saying she didn’t “like it one bit, and it actually makes me sick to my stomach”. OUCH, but also…fair.

Harrison then said that he “supposed it was a breach of trust” (dah, bro!) and admitted he wouldn’t have told Bronte about the number.

Get them the eff outta here… or not. Because:

Bronte’s decision: Stay

Harrison’s decision: Stay

Sandy and Dan

dan and sandy mafs 2023
Dan and Sandy. Source: Nine.

After being thrown under the bus by Harrison, Dan defended himself, saying that he didn’t get a random’s number. While we’ll never know what really happened, Sandy believed he was innocent.

She then admitted she wasn’t not going to take the word of someone like Harrison, who she doesn’t trust, over her husband. Ooft. Good move.

Dan’s decision: Stay

Sandy’s decision: Stay

Tahnee and Ollie

Tahnee and Ollie. MAFS 2023
Tahnee and Ollie. Source: Nine.

Bless this couple. Truly, bless.

Tahnee and Ollie are so freaking cute and literally one of the only reasons we believe in love this season!

While they had nothing exceptional to report, Ollie did admit that whatever “expectations” he had before MAFS have been well and truly exceeded. LOL. Love.

Tahnee’s decision: Stay

Ollie’s decision: Stay

Janelle and Adam

Janelle and Adam. MAFS 2023.
Janelle and Adam. Source: Nine.

Janelle and Adam were way too happy for our liking because it is giving us false hope…

Adam’s decision: Stay

Janelle’s decision: Stay

Melinda and Layton

Melinda and Layton.
Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine.

While their communication styles are different, and they’ve had an “interesting week”, Melinda and Layton are still keen to remain in the experiment.

Melinda’s decision: Stay

Layton: Stay

Melissa and Josh

Josh and Melissa. Source: Nine.

Thank the Lord they put Josh out of his misery!

During Intimacy Week, a.k.a Melissa’s Christmas, tension boiled over for the pair, with Josh revealing what his wife had been saying behind closed doors. Melissa has been criticising him for lacking physical intimacy and not being “manly” enough.

The experts were shocked at her behaviour and want to know why physical intimacy is so important to her. The MAFS Bride then realised that she seeks out “big men” because that’s what she’s grown up with, and it makes her feel safe.

Josh then walked off, and the other Grooms consoled him — which would have been sweet if it wasn’t Harrison leading the charge…

He then returns, and Melissa says she had “no idea this was happening to him” and was “so apologetic”.

Melissa’s decision: Stay

Josh’s decision: Leave

Expert’s decision: Even though it is usual for a couple to stick it out after one person writes stay, the experts — who saw that Josh was a “broken” man — made an unprecedented decision and let him leave the experiment.

Alyssa and Duncan

Duncan and Alyssa. married at first sight 2023
Duncan and Alyssa. Source: Nine.

Praise be! Our Disney couple have had sex!

Duncan calls the week a great balance between “dominant and delicate”, and Alyssa admitted it “ended with a “bang”!

They are so goddamn sweet and we can hardly contain our excitement for them.

Alyssa’s decision: Stay

Duncan’s decision: Stay

Lyndall and Cameron

Cameron and Lyndall married at first sight
Cameron and Lyndall. Source: Nine.

After having a lil’ tiff at the Dinner Party, Lyndall (who clearly loves the drama) said she hit a brick wall with Cameron, who doesn’t, in fact, love the drama.

While they were on opposing sides getting involved in the other couple’s bulls**t, they lived to see another week.

Lyndall’s decision: Stay

Cameron’s decision: Stay

Shannon and Caitlin

Shannon and Caitlin.
Shannon and Caitlin. Source: Nine.

After a horrendous week, Caitlin reveals all the horrible things Shannon has been saying to the group.

“The most hurtful thing he said was ‘I’m not attracted to you. There’s no attraction to you here,'” Caitlin revealed. “He then said, ‘I’m a good-looking girl’, but not to him.

“The most hurtful thing for me was after that. He said, ‘If there was someone who walked down the aisle that ‘wowed’ him, he would have cut it off with his ex then and there, and because I didn’t ‘wow him’, what happened with his ex, happened.”

John was disgusted by Shannon’s behaviour and held him accountable for his actions, and truly, he is the real MVP of the season!!

“This here isn’t what I wanted,” Caitlin said. “If I could do it all over again with someone else, I would. because I deserve that chance, but this man does not deserve me. So, I will be leaving.”

“You are worthy, and you are a great catch, and you will make someone very happy,” John said before Shannon took his ring off.

Caitlin’s decision: Leave (YES, GIRL!)

Shannon’s decision: Leave (we’re assuming since he sulked and took off his wedding band)

Commitment Ceremony 1 — February 12

Jesse and Claire

Jesse and Claire's commitment ceremony. Source: Nine.
Jesse and Claire. Source: Nine.

While Jesse suspected something is going on between his Bride Claire and Groom Adam, during the first Commitment Ceremony, both seemed to sway his opinion that he was imagining things.

However, Lyndall — who was despo to intervene — then revealed that Adam had told her during the cast night out, that he needed to leave and go home early; otherwise, he would go home with Claire. *Side eye emoji*.

Jesse then decides that the experiment has brought out the worst in him and decides to leave, however, Claire sees a glimmer of hope….

Jesse’s decision: Leave

Claire’s decision: Stay

Outcome: They live to fight another week…

Adam and Janelle

adam and janelle's commitment ceremony. Source: Nine.
Adam and Janelle. Source: Nine.

After being outed by Lyndall, Adam apologises to Janelle, the rest of the cast, the experts, the crew, his family, his dog and his barista for his behaviour. While she feels “insecure”, his Bride decides to stand by her man.

Even though the red flags engulf the room, the couple is here for another week.

Adam’s decision: Stay

Janelle’s decision: Stay

Tahnee and Ollie

Tahnee and Ollie commitment ceremony mafs
Tahnee and Ollie. Source: Nine.

It’s been smooth sailing for Tahnee and Ollie, and they’re not going anywhere. Love is well and truly alive.

Tahnee’s decision: Stay

Ollie’s decision: Stay

Melinda and Layton

melinda and layton commitment ceremony mafs 2023
Melinda and Layton. Source: Nine.

Melinda and Layton had a slow start but Melinda has now found the attraction. Which is nice, we guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Melinda’s decision: Stay

Layton: Stay

Alyssa and Duncan

Duncan and Alyssa. MAFS Source: Nine.
Duncan and Alyssa. Source: Nine.

Alyssa and Duncan are falling for each other and are on the way to wedded bliss. Plus, they now #coupledress! CUTE!

Alyssa’s decision: Stay

Duncan’s decision: Stay

Sandy and Dan

Dan and Sandy Married at First Sight
Dan and Sandy. Source: Nine.

Despite Dan already spoiling his own ending, during this week’s Commitment Ceremony, he and Sandy decide they are headed in the right direction.

Dan’s decision: Stay

Sandy’s decision: Stay

Melissa and Josh

Melissa and Josh MAFS
Melissa and Josh. Source: Nine.

They’re certainly on different pages about their relationship, but Melissa and Josh are still nice to each other, which is more than we could say for some of the other couples…

And even though Josh expressed he didn’t want to be treated like a sexual object, they are keen to keep going.

Melissa’s decision: Stay

Josh’s decision: Stay

Harrison and Bronte

Bronte and Harrison commitment ceremony married at first sight
Bronte and Harrison. Source: Nine.

Bronte and Harrison have barely spent any time together, with Harrison calling the experiment a “holiday”.

Infuriating Bronte, she outs him to the experts for seeing a girl right before he married her, which Harrison doesn’t see a problem with.

Horrified by Harrison, John jumps in to share some home truths — it’s just not cricket, bro! Finally, Harrison apologises to Bronte before writing leave…probably to keep dating his outside GF.

Bronte’s decision: Stay (WTAF)

Harrison’s decision: Leave (the best decision he’s ever made)

Outcome: The drama continues…

Lyndall and Cameron

Lyndall and Cameron MAFS
Lyndall and Cameron. Source: Nine.

Lyndall and Cameron are a bundle of pure joy and happiness! Full stop.

Lyndall’s decision: Stay

Cameron’s decision: Stay

Shannon and Caitlin

Shannon and Caitlin. Source: Nine.

Shannon and Caitlin are in crisis because Shannon is still in love with his ex. Cool.

Even though he clearly is about to break Caitlin’s heart, he is optimistic about their future. John tells him that his behaviour is “unacceptable” before also taking a swipe at fellow Groom Harrison one last time.

Shannon apologises, however, after years and years of this mess, we know where it’s headed…. DOOMSVILLE.

Shannon’s decision: Stay

Caitlin: Stay (WHY?!)

Watch Married At First Sight on Sundays at 7.00 pm and Monday – Wednesday at 7.30 pm on Nine and 9Now.

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